
Evolution of ICT Applications 🖥️

First of all What is ICT? ICT is the abbreviation for  Information and Communication Technology . It  is the use of computers to digitally store, process and exchange data and information.  Let's see what are the  Components of ICT , Cloud Computing Software Hardware Digital Transactions Communications Technology Digital Data Internet Access In today's world ICT plays a critical role in humans' day to day life activities. ICT is used in every single industry and it keeps growing day by day. What is a Computer? A computer is an electronic device that performs various operations, like storing information, processing data, and communicating with other devices. A computer consists of several hardware components,  a central processing unit (CPU), memory (RAM), storage devices such as a hard disk drive (HDD) or solid-state drive (SSD), input/output devices such as mouse, keyboard, a stereo speaker system, a display monitor, and various ports for connecting to other devices. Histo